Jeff Savier PT, DPT

Jeff Savier PT, DPT2024-05-05T12:35:53-04:00

“I am energized by guiding each person through magnifying their human movement potential and becoming an integral part of their own community.”

Jeff received his undergraduate degree in Exercise Science from Georgia State University before acquiring a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. His expertise in a variety of clinical settings in the Philadelphia and Atlanta regions have granted him the opportunity to work with high level amputees, individuals undergoing lower extremity ligamentous reconstruction, and high school to college level athletes.

In 2021, Jeff’s professional journey took a profound and unexpected turn. While playing basketball, an activity that had always brought him joy and release, he experienced an Achilles rupture. This injury was not just a physical setback; it was an experience that reshaped his understanding of and empathy for those seeking healing and recovery. Living through the pain, the challenges of rehabilitation, and the journey back to strength and mobility, Jeff gained a newfound empathy and connection with his patients. This personal ordeal deepened his commitment to his profession, reinforcing his belief in the resilience of the human body and spirit.

His recovery has led him back on the basketball court, running Peachtree Road Races, completing a Sprint Triathlon, participating in CrossFit workouts, and his favorite– hiking with his wife, Adriana and fellow dog, Josie.J

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