Back Pain and Sciatica: Stop the Pain and Get Back to Living Your Life!

Do you wake up with back pain or feel aches in your back, thighs, and buttocks or lower leg? You’re not alone—back pain is the most common pain reported in the USA, affecting one in four Americans. Common causes include herniated discs, muscle strain, poor posture, nerve compression, muscle imbalances and degenerative conditions. Physical therapy offers long-lasting relief by addressing the root cause without the need for drugs or surgery.

At One on One Physical Therapy in Atlanta, GA, our physical therapists provide personalized treatment plans for back pain. They use diagnostic tests to identify the cause, then implement customized treatment plans that may include manual therapy, dry needling and exercises. Treatment initially focuses on restoring range of motion and pain relief, and progresses to strengthening core muscles and improving movement patterns that contributed to the injury. With physical therapy, you can reduce pain, increase mobility, and prevent future injuries. Contact us today to start your journey to pain-free living.

Physical Therapy for Back Pain and Sciatica
Atlanta Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief

Understanding Back Pain and Sciatica

The American Physical Therapy Association claims that out of every reported pain in the USA, back pain is the most common. In fact, one out of every four Americans has dealt with back pain in the past three months.

Back pain can be specific to the upper, middle, or lower part of your back. Sciatica, often confused with general back pain, is a condition in which pain radiates down the buttock, thighs, and legs. This condition, also known as “lumbar radiculopathy,” is associated with herniated discs and entrapped nerves, leading to radiating numbness, burning, or tingling sensations in certain parts of the leg.

Is It Sciatica or Back Pain?

Sciatica Pain

Sciatica pain is extremely uncomfortable but easy to diagnose. People suffering from sciatica experience pain along their sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. This nerve starts at the lower back, splits at the base of the spine, and runs down the buttocks, legs, and feet. If this nerve becomes irritated or compressed, you’ll feel burning sensations along these areas.

Back Pain

The term “back pain” is widely used and can result from various conditions. You might experience back pain because of an injury, auto accident, or poor posture. Your Atlanta physical therapist will set up a treatment plan for you, including exercises and stretches tailored to the location and cause of your pain. Back pain can be described as “acute,” lasting for a short while, or “chronic,” persisting for three months or longer.

Causes of Back Pain and Sciatica

Back pain and sciatica can develop from several causes, including:


Repetitive straining motions like bending over frequently or serious trauma such as a car accident can cause back pain. Herniated discs can also lead to extreme pain and radiculopathy symptoms in the legs, thighs, and feet.

Degenerative Disc Disease

This common condition develops as people age, causing dull, aching pains in the lower back and difficulties in standing or walking for long periods.

Sciatica Triggers

Sciatica typically develops in people aged 30 to 50. Conditions such as arthritis, bone spurs, and other injuries can directly impact the sciatic nerve. Aging also causes a loss of flexibility in the pelvis and hips, leading to tight muscles in these areas and compression of the sciatic nerve.

The Role of Physical Therapy

Don’t rely on prescription medications to give you relief from back and sciatica pain. These medications may mask the pain temporarily but do not address the underlying issues. Instead, physical therapy offers a long-lasting solution by addressing the root causes of your pain. Deciding to see a physical therapist can eliminate the need for harmful painkillers or invasive (and expensive) surgeries.

At One on One Physical Therapy, we specialize in treating back pain and sciatica through customized physical therapy programs. Our goal is to help you find relief and get back to doing the things you love without pain.

Addressing Back Pain with Physical Therapy

Back pain may come and go, but underlying issues such as poor joint range of motion, core weakness, and poor muscle coordination need to be addressed to prevent future injuries. Consulting with an Atlanta physical therapist early on can prevent more severe pain down the road.

Physical Therapy Treatment

Back pain and sciatica are treatable with physical therapy. At One on One Physical Therapy, our physical therapists will create a special treatment plan for you, incorporating the best exercises and stretches for your diagnosis.

Initial Focus

In the beginning, your physical therapist will focus on quick pain relief options. As your pain decreases, the focus will shift to strengthening your core muscles with therapeutic stretches and exercises. The main objective is to increase your range of motion, strength, and stamina to prevent future spine injuries.

Sciatica-Specific Treatments

For those dealing with sciatica pain, specific leg stretches can be included in your treatment plan to loosen the sciatic nerve, replenish its health, and decrease daily pain symptoms.

Get Started with Physical Therapy Today

There is no reason for you to live in pain any longer. Contact our Atlanta physical therapy office today for more information and to schedule your initial consultation. Our experienced physical therapists are ready to help you start on the path to long-lasting pain relief. At One on One Physical Therapy, we are committed to providing the highest quality care to help you regain your comfort and functionality.