Physical Therapy as the Solution to Chronic Pain

At One on One Physical Therapy in Atlanta, our physical therapists specialize in managing chronic pain through holistic, multifaceted treatment plans. We focus on reducing pain, restoring movement, and empowering you with self-management strategies. Our methods include manual therapy, patient education, and targeted exercises to desensitize the nervous system and improve overall function.

If you suffer from chronic pain, physical therapy offers a safe, effective alternative to medications and surgery. Contact One on One today to schedule an evaluation and start your journey toward lasting pain relief.

Atlanta Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief

Understanding Chronic Pain and its Challenges

Chronic pain is a persistent issue affecting many individuals, often leading to an overreliance on opioids. It can stem from various causes, such as injuries, illnesses, or overuse, resulting in changes to the nervous system that amplify pain.

Chronic pain is becoming increasingly common, presenting a major challenge to healthcare providers due to its complexity, history, unclear cause, and poor response to interventions. This has led to an opioid epidemic in this country. Persistent pain can be a body’s way of coping with pain that should have theoretically healed, resulting in a central change to the nervous system that produces a pain experience out of proportion to actual tissue trouble.

What Causes Chronic Pain?

Neurophysiological issues are the main reason for chronic pain. These consist of illnesses, anxiety and depression, and chronic injuries. These problems are intertwined in a web that causes your neurological system to remain on high alert all the time. Back pain, nerve pain, joint pain, and headaches all fall under the category of chronic pain. It most often happens as a result of one of the following causes:


Chronic pain can happen as a result of almost any kind of accident, whether it’s in the workplace or in a car. According to a statistic on OSHA, workplace injuries happen to 2.9 out of every 100 employees. That’s way more common than you might think! This kind of chronic pain does not go away on its own without help. The good news is that all you need to do to get back on the road to recovery is to seek out a physical therapist.

Overuse Injuries

Any part of your body that you repetitively use each day is susceptible to an overuse injury. The way you walk, exercise, work, and even stand can put a strain on your body in the long run. If you aren’t using the proper techniques recommended by a physical therapist, the result is going to be an overuse injury. This will result in your joints and muscles being damaged, thus causing chronic pain problems. For example, you are likely to experience chronic back pain if you perform heavy lifting at work many times a day, with improper techniques. Physical therapy can help you learn how to properly move your body and avoid these issues altogether.

Having Surgery

Oftentimes, surgery is unavoidable. However, while surgery might be necessary, the recovery timeline can be just as painful and difficult to endure. Surgery on a particular part of the body can be enough to fix a structural issue, but sometimes we end up overcompensating in how we move because of the pain we’re feeling. Overcompensation can cause just as much pain after surgery if the movement isn’t corrected. Physical therapy is a great option because of this reason, as it offers post-surgical rehabilitation services which will assist you with relieving pain, reduce your risk of injury in the future, and shorten your overall recovery time.

What is the Difference Between Chronic and Acute Pain?

Can Physical Therapy Really Relieve Chronic Pain?

Physical therapy focuses on addressing the root cause of pain rather than masking symptoms with medications. At One on One Physical Therapy, our expertly trained physical therapists conduct thorough evaluations to identify areas needing strengthening, improve range of motion, and correct gait imbalances. This helps pinpoint the underlying causes of chronic pain.

Your therapist will create a personalized treatment plan, including manual therapy, pain-relieving exercises, and targeted stretches. Alongside in-office treatments, you’ll learn exercises to stay active and healthy at home.

Get Started with Physical Therapy Today

There is no reason for you to live in pain any longer. Contact our Atlanta physical therapy office today for more information and to schedule your initial consultation. Our experienced physical therapists are ready to help you start on the path to long-lasting pain relief. At One on One Physical Therapy, we are committed to providing the highest quality care to help you regain your comfort and functionality.