Physical Therapy, Wellness, Performance Enhancement
All patients at One on One Physical Therapy receive a comprehensive evaluation with one of our Physical Therapists to identify the nature and source of the pain or injury.
We will refer the patient to other health care providers when further evaluation is necessary. The Physical Therapists use various techniques and modalities as a part of treatment. One on One offers post-rehabilitation services to help patients maintain function and improve health and performance after physical therapy goals have been met. In cases where a specific activity or sport is involved, injury prevention is addressed from day one. The Physical Therapist will pay careful attention to mechanics and technique to address sport-specific training.
How It Works

Step 1:
Personalized Assessment
Our Initial Evaluation involves a comprehensive One-on-One assessment of each patient. We hear your personal story and take into account your goals as we come up with an individualized plan of care specific to YOU. Our initial assessment includes an objective assessment of your musculoskeletal system including objective measures to assess strength, balance, ROM, posture, alignment, movement quality and any areas of pain or dysfunction. Our physical therapists use a variety of tests and measures including force plate technology, dynamometer testing, RedCord weak link testing, and Neubie Mapping to name a few!
We will also take into consideration other factors contributing to your symptoms including your past medical history, activity level, diet, medication and stress management.

Step 2:
Establishing a Treatment Plan
A collaborative effort between our therapists and you to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs, goals, and abilities. We utilize various treatment techniques and modalities including but not limited to trigger point dry needling, manual techniques, laser therapy, taping, RedCord, Neubie, and BFR. Ultimately we help you understand how your specific musculoskeletal differences can contribute to pain, injury and compromised motion and help you eliminate that risk.

Step 3:
Personalized Exercise Program
Our therapists create an exercise program unique to your individual needs based on objective testing. Exercises designed to address your whole body needs and specific to your exercise level or sport. Our therapists will be by your side throughout your journey and be there to provide feedback on exercises or address any questions or concerns you may have.

Step 4:
Maintenance and Referral
We understand that even when we’ve reached our therapy goals that does not mean the end of the road. We may transition you to a maintenance program or independent management, and provide you with resources and referrals to reduce the risk of reinjury and put you in a position to live your best life!