You’ve been there before. After hitting the snooze button a few times, you finally decide that you are ready to take on the day. You stretch out, toss the covers off and hop out of bed. You go to take that first step and “BAM!” – you fall to the ground in pain. “Why in the world does my foot hurt so bad? Did I run a marathon in my sleep?” After hobbling around for a while, the pain decreases and eventually subsides. You may chock it up to a freak incident, but inevitably it will happen again.

You finally get fed up and make an appointment with your orthopedist. You explain your symptoms, which most likely include pin point pain in the bottom of the heel that is usually worse in the morning. The pain probably increases with exertion and is especially bad after exercise or at the end of the day. After the doctor does a few special tests and takes some x-rays, they have your diagnosis: plantar fasciitis. It is always a relief to know what is causing the pain, but oftentimes you are still left wondering what this really is and why it happened to you?

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of your plantar fascia, which is a long band of tissue that runs from your heel to your toes. It serves to support your longitudinal arch and provides shock absorption.  While the cause isn’t always clear, it can result from tightness in the fascia. Weight bearing activities can cause small tears in the fascia which will eventually lead to inflammation. One of the most frustrating issues with plantar fasciitis is the time it takes to completely heal. Your physician may prescribe a topical cream as well as certain exercises and stretches. You may find temporary relief by massaging your foot on a golf ball or frozen water bottle. But one thing that often goes by the wayside is addressing any biomechanical inefficiencies that may be contributing to the problem. This is where we come in and can work with closely with you and your physician and physical therapist.

At Multi Sport Orthotics, we treat the cause and not the symptoms. Through our detailed evaluation and working in conjunction with your physical therapist, we will assess the structural and functional causes to your plantar fasciitis. Once we know the cause, we will come up with a detailed plan that is specific to you. Our total contact orthotics successfully give functional control to decrease the inefficiencies of the kinetic chain. The design allows for the muscle memory to be retrained. This will insure decreased stress to the soft tissue which will allow the plantar fascia to heal properly.

Jim Fox is a Certified Athletic Trainer and Orthotist. Jim is a graduate of the University of Delaware, with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sports Medicine. Since starting his company in 2000, Jim has become a well renowned orthotist working closely with Atlanta’s top physicians, physical therapists, athletic teams and universities. Utilizing his vast knowledge of sports medicine and biomechanics, Jim is able to combine materials and fabrication techniques to ensure positive outcomes for every patient. Jim has over 30 years of experience as a Certified Athletic Trainer and Orthotist. To learn more about Multi Sport Orthotics or to schedule an appointment please visit or call 770.500.3996