Chloe Murdock

Physical Therapy for the Equestrian

2020-04-07T12:19:58-04:00October 19th, 2018|Categories: Dressage Articles, Physical Therapy Articles|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Are you an Equestrian struggling with shoulder, neck or back pain? Did you know that Physical Therapists work with Equestrians who compete in the sport of Dressage? Meet Emma Grace, a young Equestrian and client at One on One PT, who struggled while riding her horse. Read about the amazing journey how Physical Therapist, Chloe Murdock, helped this Equestrian get back to competition. Emma Grace first arrived at One on One PT because she was being deducted points in her [...]

The Importance of Play

2023-12-20T05:28:52-05:00January 18th, 2018|Categories: Physical Therapy Articles, Performance Enhancement Articles, Wellness Articles, Pelvic Floor Articles, Sports Medicine Articles, General Information, Physical Therapists News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Chloe Murdock PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS We’re two weeks into January, and gyms are bursting with people eager to keep their New Year’s resolutions. But how many of these people will be so zealously hammering away on the Stair Master in July? Becoming and staying active is very hard in our sedentary society, often because it becomes just another task on our “To Do” list. Adding one hour of exercise per day can cut into our social lives and time [...]

Saddle Stress // A Cyclist’s Guide to Saddle Fitting

2023-12-20T06:43:17-05:00July 11th, 2017|Categories: Physical Therapy Articles, General Information, Sports Medicine Articles, Cyclists Articles, Bike Fitting Articles, Cycling Injury Physical Therapy Articles|Tags: , |

Don’t let saddle pain ruin your summer I spend a lot of my time around cyclists, and the most common complaint I hear from my friends, clients, and patients is of saddle pain. Some have given in, resigning themselves of a life of painful riding because they were once told to “suck it up, because all saddles are painful”. Some have significantly reduced how much they ride, or stopped riding entirely. As a lifelong cyclist, I too have invested [...]

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